Your Recovery & Cost Reduction Analysts.
Reducing Your Costs is The Same as Increasing Your Sales.



199 Jericho Turnpike

Floral Park, NY 11001

Energy Account Audit and Services

Seven out of 10 energy account audits discover errors, overcharges or missed opportunities.

With our detailed analysis of your electric and natural gas accounts we will ensure firstly that you haven't overpaid in the past. Then, we will do everything in our scope of knowledge and experience to make sure you do not pay more than you should going forward.


Elite Refund's Utility Account Audit is a detailed analysis of all your energy accounts reviewing up to 36 previous months for errors, overcharges, and missed opportunities.

Once identified, erroneous charges are challenged, corrected and any overpayment is recovered on your behalf.


Common Errors identified include:

  • Human tabulation or data entry error,
  • Rates not in accordance with contract,
  • Mechanical malfunction of meters or erroneous  meter multipliers,
  • Unjustified demand spikes,
  • Duplicate billing,
  • Unresolved estimated reading Vs actual rate,
  • Misclassification based on industry or territory,
  • Erroneous or improper utility surcharges or taxes, and the list goes on...


Getting started is simple as 1, 2, 3...

  • All we require is a recent statement for each account being audited
  • A simple agreement outlining what we will do and what you can expect from us
  • A letter of authorization allowing us to communicate directly with your suppliers to gather billing
    information and requests refunds on your behalf.

Ours is a contingency-based audit so this means there is never any out of pocket or upfront fees…

We only get paid when you receive a refund or credit.


Account Optimization

In many cases depending on a company's business operations, significant savings can be realized by taking advantage of incentives and participating in programs offered by the general utility and suppliers.  Most business owners are not aware of all these opportunities and therefore do not take advantage of these benefits.


As part of our account audit service, our team of analysts point out these opportunities when applicable based on territory, industry, classification, volume and type of usage, and at your discretion, make the arrangements to implement them on your behalf.


Because these are elective in nature and not errors, we cannot go back and file for refunds if revenue saving opportunities are not seized.


Discounted Supply Contracts

Many of our clients request that we analyze their energy spend by comparing the present pricing structure of their third party contracts against the national and regional marketplace.  Should we find that more favorable programs and rates are available, we are in a position to secure those better options for our audit clients.


Remember, as an independent consulting and utility account audit company, Elite works on your behalf to recover lost revenue, reduce costs, and maximize the value of your relationships with your vendors and suppliers.



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